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Posts : 3
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2010-04-27

Application Empty
PostSubject: Application   Application Icon_minitimeSun May 02, 2010 2:12 pm

Personal Information
Some basic information about yourself

Full name: Jay_Jackson
Age: 27
Date of birth: 24/06/1980
Gender: Male
Place of orgin: Liberty City
Nationality: German
Phone number: N/A
Address: N/A
Total years in San Andreas: 2 years

Extended Information
Extended information about yourself, life and residency within San Andreas

Biography (Minimum 300 words):

I moved from Liberty City where I worked as Chief of Police for 6 years. The reason I moved? Well to cut a long story short – I got caught up in organised crime and was framed in a drug heist. Thinking about the barrels of 6 guns all facing my head still makes me shiver. I retired due to lack of trust within the team, no other reason. I was married, my wife, Laura, died in a car accident, along with my two children Jake and John. She was taking the kids to the fun fair just off Dukes. I don’t want to go into it anymore, I feel like crying inside. I moved to Los Santos to find Laura’s mother, whom I found out had passed away several years earlier. By then I didn’t really care about moving back to Liberty City. Los Santos is where I want to stay. It’s been tough in Los Santos, trying to find jobs with qualifications that people haven’t even heard of here, I went to Los Santos University to earn some certificates and which I succeeded. I have the following certificates:

National Diploma in Weapons Firing and Weapons Research

National Diploma in Investigations

National Diploma in History and Art of History

National Diploma in Ancient Arts

My mother died when I turned 17, it was hard to take in, as I just finished College and she was my idol, she encouraged me to go further than before and that’s how I achieved such great education throughout my childhood, she drowned in the Pacific, when she was on a cruise. My father I’ve never really knew, he left when I was 1, I don’t know him, probably don’t even want to see him. Well this is me up to now, I’ve had a good life but not the best I could of hoped for.

Why do you wish to join the Federal Bureau of Investigations? Im well educated, like to investigate crimes and prefer this to anything else.

What would make you a good Intern of the Federal Bureau of Investigations? I like patience, I investigate well, I have eagle vision.

What skills do you posses that would be a for you to get in to the Federal Bureau of Investigations? Sharp eyes, clever and patient.

What division would you like to join in the Federal Bureau of Investigations? The one you think I'm best for, preferably one that lets me drive around and get out of the office.

Why would you like to join that division? -

Are you currently employed by a law enforcement organization? No

If yes, what organization, how long, what rank are you and who is the employer(s)? -

Past law enforcement experience(s) [NOTE: Leave blank if none]: Yes

Have you ever been affiliated with an illegal organization or a gang? No

Provide us with your profile here ((/stats IG)):

Provide us with your licenses proof here ((/licenses IG)):

((Out of Character information))
((Basic OOC informationation))

Name: Jay Jackson
Age: 19
Country: England
Sex: Male
Timezone: GMT 0
Hours online per day: 6
List all of your old names on TG-RP: -

Recommendations from the F.B.I.




Recommendations from the LSPD

Rank: SWAT Officer

Rank: Sergeant

Rank: Captain/Chief

Recommendations from the Army

Name: Stewie_Griffin
Rank: General
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